UNICA Corporation
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The Unica Mission: Meeting the Exact Requirements of Users

In today's society, people tend to avoid strenuous work, preferring easy, clean jobs.

Our approach is to look at a piece work squarely, practice it, optimize the human component, and systematize it. That's how we do our job. And rather than creating a process based on an empty theory, we incorporate of the specifications into the workplace. These basic principles have guided our development efforts.

These principles also apply to the equipment we offer to our customers. We pursue optimization and automation from the user's standpoint. For equipment design, we happily create each of the components ourselves to optimize them. We then bring them together in uncompromising designs.

Now, we aspire to apply the technology we have accumulated in the amusement arena to global society. Meeting the exact requirements of users, instead of creating products to generate a profit. Take the initiative in society so that our products are naturally recognized. That's the mission for Unica.
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